Thursday, June 30, 2022

Teens and Trucks


"five piece screamo band from southern Huntingtown, Maryland inspired by self-hate and fleetwood mac. mostly active from april 2010-february 2011. members of joe shlabotniktranslation., and figure/ground." - LastFm

Lawrence Brooks - Drums
Jesse Buff - Guitar
Nick Cartron - Keyboard
Pierce Jordan - Vocals
Liam Fletcher - Vocals

That sums it up pretty much, short lived project from the band members featured above, They only had two releases, this being the release I'm featuring in this post called "Four Noble Goofs" it's a demo featuring an extra song of what later is on the February Demo featured on their bandcamp page which is where this photo is taken from. Unsure if the other people in this group are still making music currently besides Pierce Jordan who is a vocalist for the band Soul Glo. I hope you enjoy this mid 2000's screamo and I hope you check out Soul Glo

  1. I'll Never Reach Nirvana (PT. 1)
  2. I'll Never Reach Nirvana (PT. 2)
  3. Hell Is Knowing You're Wrong
  4. Who Am I To Judge?

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Mannequin Pussy (Rarities)


"Originally a duo comprised of childhood friends Mari
sa Dabice and Thanasi Paul, Philadelphia’s Mannequin Pussy has seen more than a few iterations over the years. After an ever-changing lineup, they found the ideal collaborators in drummer Kaleen Reading and bassist Colins Regisford (better known by his nickname, Bear)"


Mannequin Pussy has been a favorite of mine for several years, they play an amazing fusion of post punk ,hardcore indie rock they shred and are gonna be around for a while so get used to it; I can't recommend these people enough, they're currently signed to Epitaph but were previously on Tiny Engines record.

I'll include links below to their respective label

for the first time in a long time, enjoy listening to their debut EP , BonerJamz! (2011)

these were the only songs I could dig up but it looks like the tracks I have, aren't exactly the same as the ones featured on the cover art. I asked about it and didn't get a clear answer so who knows?

BonerJamz! (2011)

  1. Dark Matter
  2. Empire of Blood
  3. PissDrinker
  4. Peepshow of Horror

Monday, June 27, 2022

My Head In Clouds

My Head In Clouds was a group of young teens aged 14ish that formed around 2009 in LaGrange, Indiana by members Scott, Ozzy, Antonio, and Kyle, the played a style of screamo emo midwest music similar to that of midwest penpals and merchant ships, which makes sense as they shared band members and later members, went on to create the band Park Jefferson which is well known compared to this band, for some reason only their demo! is posted online but I managed to track down  all of their released songs which is about 5 tracks, this is their unofficial discography I hope you enjoy.

Also through reading comments left by old band members it's come to my attention that one of the members of the band, Antonio, has passed away in a motor accident sometime after the disbandment of this project, I'd like to say rest in peace to Antonio and I hope that by sharing this music and making it accessible to everyone, that people can enjoy some of the work he created and that his memory is not forgotten which is the goal of this blog; if you enjoy this music or it means something to you, please leave a comment or share with a friend. life is too short, be excellent to each other and treat your friends with love and kindness

  1.  Donut Run
  2. Hey Arnold
  3. Did The Rock Go To Culinary School?
  4. Dome Talks With Sam Karpp
  5. Donut Walk
  6. Mexican Soap Operas
  7. There's a Bocephus in My Closet
  8. 0 Gangsta

Sunday, June 26, 2022



"Founded in 2006, Pirouette is the name Scotty Leitch writes his music under. Occasionally he has a band play with him and more recently a pretty lady singing on stage (Amandas Matyas). Later incarnations of the band included members of Everyone Everywhere. " - LastFm

Sorry guys, I was asleep and forgot to post; anyway! 

What I have for you today shouldn't be new to anyone who's a fan of mid 2000's emo twinkly music that's been posted on this blog before and by Scotty Leitch, if that name sounds familiar, it could be from a number of projects such as Pirouettes, Little Pirouettes which shares members with members of Joe Shlabotnik and little kingdoms, who I haven't posted on here but if you search Joe Shlabotnik on youtube I uploaded their stuff there, 12/10, Olive Drab,  and Scott's solo project shelf life. Scotty has been making music in the philadelphia scene for years basically a grandfather in terms of music, I'm listing what I believe is to be a somewhat complete discography of Pirouette, with as much info as I have, a lot of these releases won't have album art or years but hey, they're tagged correctly so I wanna see those scrobbles.

Here is Pirouette

A Bunch of Shit No One Will Ever Hear

  1. Tatt Maylor
  2. Roy G Biv
  3. Greeting Problems
  4. North BrandyWine
  5. Oom Lout
  6. Please Say You Won't Forget Me
  7. Lat But in Earnest
  8. I Once Knew A Man Who Said
  9. Calm Cool Collected
  10. Do You Still Listen To Weezer
  11. Season Saver
  12. Dr. Bailey Syndrome
  13. Rollercoaster
  14. Even Zebras Roar
  15. Silent Night
  16. Virtruvian Man (6 -13 -09 Crackhouse)
  17. The Universe Loves You

Extra Songs

  1. 55,555
  2. M-I-N-D-Y
  3. Peaco
  4. I Don't Miss You Anymore
  5. The Universe Loves You and So Do I
  6. There Were Cathedrals Falling Out of Your Eyes (demo)
  7. This Makes Me Sad (Remix)
  8. Tokyo Sushi
  9. Bike Wisdom
  10. Weird People
Giraffes With Wings

  1. Abcdefghijklmnop
  2. Stardust Not Marley
  3. Mommy Can't You See The Fleas
  4. Of Genius
  5. Devil Town
  6. Oh Em Gee
  7. ClintonWasntOnABillButHeWasONe
  8. Yellow Car I Called It
Jean on Jean Crime

  1. I Am Nothing Without You
  2. Lonely Lovers
  3. Teenage Crime Wave
Light Red Pez / Acrobat

  1. 55,555
  2. Light Red Pez
  3. I Dated an Art Student
  4. Passenger Car
  5. Blemmish
  6. Breathing For The Both of Us
  7. Hey Sara
  8. As Cold as the Rest of You
  9. College Kids
  10. Calm, Cool, Collected
  11. Giving Up For Good
  12. Autistic Lines
  13. Language
  14. Sophmores
  15. Keith Haring Would Agree
  16. Streaky and Zone
  17. Burning the Blue Prints
  18. J. Bare

Sometimes Sad Isn't Funny

  1. Pedal Faster
  2. Pass in the Grass
  3. Breezeway Girlfriend
  4. Don'tHateMeMoreThanYouHaveTo
  5. Things an Overcoat Would Say

Thinking In Subtitles

  1.  Charmeleon's Ghost
  2. Yellow Care I called It
  3. Kiss and Tell
  4. Revive
  5. CJ Rough Wreath
  6. Noah's Shark
  7. Clinton Wasn't On A Bill But He Was One
  8. Ami Jean